Fantasy Football Gpp

Fantasy Football GPP Tournaments vs. Cash Games

For one-week fantasy football (and other daily fantasy sports, for that matter), there are two types of competitions: cash games and guaranteed prize pool, or GPP, tournaments. Knowing the type of game you’re playing is crucial since different draft tactics should be used.

In a GPP, a lineup that destroys your opponents in a cash game may place you in the bottom of the pack. Entering the same roster for both contest categories is one of the worst DFS blunders you can make.

In fact, doing so will guarantee failure.

The good news is that your chances of winning significantly rise after you comprehend the distinctions between cash games and GPPs and learn how to build lineups that account for both.

We will define both types of competitions below. The most crucial advice for selecting fantasy football lineups will subsequently be covered for each of them.

Commence with cash games.

What Sorts Of Competitions Are Known As “Cash Games”?

Thinking about cash games as anything other than a big tournament is the simplest way to tell them apart. Although such description is extremely simplistic, it will work for our purposes.

The most typical varieties are head-to-head and 50/50. A contest known as a 50/50 pays the top 50% of the field. The number of participants can range from a few to thousands. You compete against another team owner in a head-to-head, or H2H, game. The winnings are split (minus the rake from the DFS site, of course).

Additionally, there are double-ups and multipliers in cash games.

Double-ups function similarly to 50/50s. The primary distinction is that a little under 50% of the field pays off. However, since the DFS site does not collect a rake, individuals who cash out receive twice as much money.

The terms “contest” and “50/50” are sometimes used interchangeably because of how similar they are to one other.

You have a chance to win a prize that is greater than the cost of your entry. Let’s imagine, for illustration, that you “purchase in” with $10. A 3X multiplier would give you $30 if you win. $100 would be awarded with a 10X multiplier. You have a lower probability of winning compared to a 50/50 or double-up since a smaller portion of the field (between 8% and 30%) is paid out.

New cash game players would be better served playing 20 distinct H2H matches (running the same lineup in all of them) than playing in one $20 50/50, in my opinion, if they intend to play $20 worth of cash game plays each week.


Because your “mediocre” lineup will either win or lose in a huge 50/50 half, Even if you don’t win all 20 H2H matches, your lineup will still defeat part of the opposition.

A fantastic approach to accumulate funds and gradually improve your DFS bankroll is through cash game fantasy football.

Tournaments with a Guaranteed Prize Pool Described

A GPP has three distinctive characteristics. The size of the field (i.e., the number of participants) and the size of the reward pool are the first two factors.

Some of these competitions draw a quarter of a million participants and award the top prize of more than $1 million. The majority of GPPs pay out less, with some awarding first place as “low” as a few thousand dollars.

Every week at Draftkings, there is a “Quarter Arcade” competition that you may enter for just a quarter. Of course, even if you don’t already have any money in your account, you may still participate in the weekly NFL Freerolls (typically offered).

The fact that the prize pool is assured is the third distinguishing feature.

For instance, DraftKings is presently offering a $120,000 Beginner NFL Play-Action GPP. Even if the number of participants falls short of the maximum number permitted to play, the website promises it will still pay out $120,000 to the field. The NFL $4.44M Fantasy Football Millionaire GPP is the same. Even if it doesn’t manage to attract the maximum number of participants, DraftKings will still have to fork over more than $4 million.

Now that you are aware of the distinctions between fantasy football cash games and GPP competitions, let’s discuss how to construct successful lineups, beginning with the former.

7 Steps for Creating Your Fantasy NFL Cash Lineup in the Cash Game

The information that follows is not intended to be an exhaustive guide to winning fantasy NFL 50/50s, H2Hs, double-ups, and multipliers. Instead, these are the top seven suggestions for creating lineups that will increase your chances of winning.

Keep in mind that nothing is certain. Having stated that, you will have an advantage over one-week fantasy football players who choose to reject this advice. And trust me, there are lots of athletes that perform in that manner week after week.

Number One: Slot A Stud Quarterback

Your roster needs a star quarterback.

You want a reliable partner who will deliver. Now is not the time to be cunning and draft a sleeper who might disappoint. In cash games, your quarterback serves as your insurance. Be prepared to spend money on someone who is predicted to post a lot of points.

2. Search for high ceilings

The key to winning 50/50s and double-ups is to play cautiously. Keep in mind that around half of the field is compensated. High floors are more significant than high ceilings, which are attractive but not as necessary. Projections are available from a wide variety of sources.

A high floor denotes dependable output. When you’re working your way up in cash games, that’s helpful.

Third: “Good” Is Enough

Imagine you are one of 100 participants in a 50/50 competition. You don’t have to come in first. You can finish 50th and receive the same prize money as the winner. Therefore, avoid wasting hours trying to put up the ideal lineup.

It is not required. Additionally, it will waste time that you could be used to create different rosters.

Good is sufficient.

Fourth: Change Up Your Fantasy Football Lineups

There isn’t a single ideal lineup. There are only certain lineups that guarantee your placement in the top half of the field.

Use a different roster if you intend to play in several 50/50s, double-ups, and other cash games. Utilize variety. Slot several quarterbacks, receivers, and running backs to diversify your wagers.

Keep in mind that each week, multiple star quarterbacks are active. Each week, there are a ton of dependable backs and receivers on the field. Change it up.

#5 – Select Reliable Receivers

At wide receiver, fortunately, there is a lot of consistency. Production from week to week is largely predictable.

The key is to concentrate on players who are frequent targets for their respective quarterbacks. A receiver who has a lot of touches is very likely to score fantasy points from those chances.

You should, in my opinion, draft at least one star player at this position. Both DraftKings and FanDuel ask you to select three receivers, so fill the remaining two slots with high-floor value selections.

Follow The Crowd: Chalky Plays Work Well In Cash Games is the sixth rule.

Draft Matt Ryan if everyone else does. DeMarco Murray should be in YOUR starting lineup if the majority of the field does. It’s a smart idea to copy those who choose Julio Jones, especially if you observe that many people did.

Now is not the time to take the other tack. When choosing star players, go with the flow. Your roster won’t lag behind when those studs perform in this manner.

#7: Be Wary of Sharks

Head-to-head games in fantasy football are a lot of fun. You are competing with another team owner. However, be cautious of your opponents. Many highly skilled DFS players hang out in H2H waiting rooms for newcomers to enter. They see it as simple money.

The ability to find experienced players is now simpler thanks to FanDuel and DraftKings. Look for certifications that represent a successful track record. The last thing you want to do is compete against someone who has participated in hundreds of tournaments and has received thousands of dollars in rewards if you’re new to cash games.

Now let’s switch gears and discuss a weekly GPP fantasy football approach.

GPP Tournament Strategy: Seven Things To Consider

You need to arrange your lineups entirely differently than we just described in order to stand a chance of winning an NFL GPP tournament. High ceilings, high upside, high variation, and taking risks are all hallmarks of GPPs.

The top seven considerations for building lineups for large-field fantasy NFL competitions are listed below.

#1  consider “Boom Or Bust”

You must use the dice. You must take risks to place high enough to win a GPP’s reward because of how top-heavy the payout structure is.

In order to do this, you need players that will either completely bomb or have their best performances of the season. You aren’t searching for anything in the middle. In a GPP, a poor performance is the same as a mediocre one: it is a losing strategy.

#2. Note the payout structure in

Learn about the GPP and how the field is compensated. Up to 30% of the participants might win anything. Don’t, however, get overexcited. At the base of that structure, the rewards are extremely little. To win double your entry money, you must finish in the top 20% (or occasionally the top 15%). As low as 10% of the field may receive any compensation in some GPPs.

What if you want to make a significant profit (let’s say 10 times your registration fee)? You must rank among the top 0.3%.

Make sure you understand where you must land in order to receive payment. Forewarned is forearmed.

#3: Multiple vs. Single Entries

In an NFL GPP, one entry won’t help you at all. You’ll be competing against seasoned team owners who have built many lineups.

Can you prevail in that situation? Sure. Nothing is off limits. But it’s best to stand in several lines. You have an additional opportunity to win with each one.

It’s comparable to taking part in a sizable raffle. With just one ticket, you can win for sure. Nothing is off-limits. But as you buy more tickets, your odds of winning go up considerably. To enter lineups in a football GPP, use the same logic.

#4 – Develop a Love of Variance

Many inexperienced weekly fantasy football players are afraid of variance. It goes against predictability. Given this, it makes sense why it causes discomfort in certain people.

However, in GPPs, variance is an ally.

Consider this: you could predict each player’s performance with 100 percent certainty if variation didn’t exist. Daily fantasy wouldn’t even exist in that scenario. The element of surprise increases your chances of success.

In cash games, predictable fantasy generation is crucial. However, in tournaments with a large field and a top-heavy payoff structure, it is significantly less valuable. Keep in mind that your lineup should consist of boom-or-bust guys. High variance results from that.

Get comfortable with it.

#5: The Function of Ceiling

The maximum number of points a player can reasonably expect to score in a game is known as his ceiling. Aaron Rodgers, for instance, might be limited to 31 versus Jacksonville. Against Washington, Antonio Brown might be able to score 28 points.

In GPPs, high ceilings are essential. You shouldn’t play around with guys whose ceilings aren’t remarkable heading into the schedule for the week. Instead, gamble on players with high ceilings, even if there is a danger they won’t perform on game day. It’s boom or bust with GPPs, keep in mind.

#6: Stalling quarterbacks and receivers

Pair your quarterback with his preferred receiver. Each touchdown they score will earn you double the points if you have both of them on your team. You’ll score points for the passing and receiving yards of your quarterback and his receiver.

For winning GPPs, that leverage may prove to be essential.

#7 – Percentage Ownership – Seek out contrarian plays with low ownership.

Remember when I suggested that while selecting players, you should go with the flow? For real money games, only. In GPPs, you want to go against the grain.

Players who are owned by a sizable portion of the field should be faded, and you should instead pick players who are being overlooked. You’ll find the breakthrough performances you need there to beat out the majority of your rivals.

When playing fantasy football cash games and GPP tournaments on DraftKings and FanDuel, use the advice above to improve your odds. If your win/loss ratio noticeably improves, don’t be shocked!

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